Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Zhongqiujie 中秋節 Mid Autumn Festival

Thursday will be Zhongqiujie 中秋節 which can be translated as Mid Autumn Festival.

It is also my Chinese birthday. So Fr Jose, Christina and Dr Marie will be coming for dinner.  We will eat moon cakes and then in Teochew we say bai ghuêh nio 拜月娘 - where we will admire the full moon and drink Chinese tea.

We are having biryani for dinner and for dessert we will have Eton Mess. Christina has bought moon cakes 月餅 and she will bring them over on Moon Festival night.

I will share pictures of the food we are having on this lovely feast day.

It is too hot this year for me to make any Teochew moon cakes. It is 31 C today and around 28 C for the next two days and it may even be hotter for the next two days.


Birthday Cake - strawberry filled fresh cream cake - the cake has no butter or oil! 

Corn Fed Free Range Chicken for cooking paella 


Roland's and Dr Marie's visit

Fruit Cake - this is the best fruit cake I have ever made and I have used a whole bottle of Jack Daniels to make this fruit cake

Panna Cotta 

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