Saturday, 17 January 2015

Owen's Birthday Cake

Owen celebrated his sixteenth birthday on 13th January, Tuesday.  However, due to school work and other matters, he and his friends will be celebrating his birthday tonight with a good meal and a sleep over.  I have been given the honour to bake and decorate this cake for this lad.

A little about Owen - Owen is a very talented musician.  By Year 8 [around 12 years old] Owen has already passed his piano level 8 with distinction.  And since then, he has passed so many music examinations with distinction that I have lost count.  He spends his Saturdays at the Royal School of Music learning to be a professional musician.  

Happy 16th Birthday Owen! 

Here are the pictures of Owen's birthday cake.

Owen has a birthday cake every year and I thought it would be good to mark this cake with 2015 so we know which year this cake is made.

The cake has "May God bless you always." written on the back.

I received an email of Owen's mother last evening asking me to include "16" on the cake.  Sweet 16 - I wish I were 16 again!  A joke! No I do not!  

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